Currently employed

Dmitriy Meleshko

A young and ambitious Frontend React Developer. My passion lies in creating appealing user interfaces and currently, my main goal is to gain commercial experience in this field. I am ready for active learning, adopting cutting-edge methods and closely collaborating within a team. I have significant experience in communication and successful participation in team events. Actively studying modern technologies in the field of application development.


Russian – Native
English – Upper Intermediate (B2)


  • Adaptive and cross-browser website layout using preprocessors.
  • Practicing the creation of user interfaces through MUI, Ant Design, TailwindCSS and CSS-in-JS approaches.
  • Developing Single Page Applications based on React components, hooks, state manager and additional libraries.
  • Working with asynchronous code using the React Query, Axios library and test API.
  • Utilizing the Git version control system in my work and deploying pet-projects on external services.
  • Implementing and practicing with TypeScript, Redux Toolkit and RTK Query in ongoing projects.
  • Creating modern websites using new features such as NextJS.


Online Shop Pioneer

Online Shop Pioneer
Online Shop Pioneer is a web application that serves as an online marketplace for a wide range of products. Users can browse through different product categories, view detailed product descriptions, add items to their cart, set favorites products and make orders.

Todolist App

Todolist App
This is a TodoList application built with React and TypeScript. The app allows users to create, update, and delete tasks in various categories. It also provides features like marking tasks as completed and filtering tasks based on category.


Muisic - Music App made up with MUI library and React. It is simple web application which gives you opportunity to listen music. This project have only one electronic playlist right now, but it is can be more.

Wild Turkey Bourbon

Wild Turkey Bourbon
This site is about Wild Turkey Bourbon company. I made a responsive layout up to 320px. Registration and authentication work with cookie. Please use english language to sign up and log in. You able to add products to your cart, change quantity or delete products. You will always know the price of your purchase.